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tv   Eyewitness News at 4  CBS  February 1, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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eyewitness news at 4:00 starts now. hi, everybody. i'm mary bubala. >> i'm kai jackson. here's what people are talking about. >> round 1 is over. now get ready for round 2 of the ice. last night's storm left maryland under a sheet of ice this morning. yeah, that is the sound of the season. people scraping layers of ice off the car windshield. meteorologist bernadette woods woods and bob turk with a look at the warnings.
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it's been quiet this morning. a little drizzle and fog this morning. right now, very, very quiet. however, as we open up, there we see it. a huge batch of moisture. rain, snow, sleet, thunderstorms down in the south. heavy blizzard-like conditions across the northern sections. that moisture shield is headed in our direction. the key is, what will the temperatures be when it gets here and how long will they stay on the cold side. let's take a look at temperatures now around the region. we're at 34. 37 in d.c. to the north of the city, however, pockets of below- freezing temperatures continue. they had never really gotten above freezing. and that's going to be an issue late, late tonight. and that's why bernadette has a look at some of the advisories that will go into effect late tonight. bernadette? >> here we go. this starts at 9:00 today. ice storm warning. that will be in effect. see, the freezing rain advisory, where all of the pink is. that will continue until 7:00 a.m. tomorrow. the thing is, just along the 95
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corridor, a mix of rain and freezing rain possible. south and east of the city, mainly rain. but just along that 95 corridor, there will be a mix. north and west of the city, will be the worst of it. we will see ice accumulations. and this is the area we're highlighting mostly. it is just that interior. cuts back into harford expunty -- county and frederick county. that's the highest risk area for all of us to see this accumulation. there you go. that is what we're looking at for tonight into tomorrow morning. then we really warm up tomorrow afternoon. we'll have that forecast tomorrow afternoon. >> our first warning weather coverage continues now. wjz is live now. derek valcourt has more on the icy morning and how people are getting ready for the second wave of dicey weather. >> treacherous weather. it appears we're getting ready for another of m mother
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nature's -- mother nature's one- two punches today and potentially another icy night. >> a light drizzle, combined with freezing temperatures, many marylanders woke up to a thin coating of ice. >> it wasn't too bad. it was on the windshield pretty good. but that's about it. >> reporter: in frederick county, it took some elbow grease to clear that ice. >> it's going to be a little treacherous going to work. but it could be a lot worse. >> reporter: and it took a lot of salt to make sure sidewalks were safe. in harford county, advanced warning of the weather gave road crews plenty of time to pretreat the roads, leaving drivers with little to worry about, as they began the morning commute. >> it was a little iceo the back roads. but highway and major roads were not icy that i could tell. >> reporter: in baltimore city and northern baltimore county, road crews worked overnight to address any icing but warned drivers not to be overconfident. >> please proceed with caution. the streets can be very
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deceiving. although it may look like it's clear, there may be icy spots, especially on the bridges and overpasses. >> for may many, the real concern could come overnight. temperatures drop below freezing after dark. >> my thoughts are, if it's not icy, -- if it's icy, i'm not leaving my house. >> reporter: the state says they're going to have some 1400 pieces of equipment to start treating roads. tonight, bge says they're anticipating some outages, and they say people at home should be prepared as well. back to you. >> thank you, derek. stay with wjz and first warning weather coverage. watch don and marty at 4:30 with the latest on the storm and any weather-related closings and delays. it is day 8. and protests in egypt are the largest so far. joel brown reports for wjz, the demonstrations have remained peaceful for the most part. but the u.s. is telling them to leave the country immediately.
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organizers called for a million protestors. and hundreds of thousands crowded into cairo. egyptians from all walks of life, united by one message. mubarak must go. fueled by anger over poverty and government corruptions. protests like this broke out in cities across egypt. >> i don't think egypt can ever go back to what it was before. >> reporter: the biggest demonstration yet. to end the 30-year rule of president hosni mubarak. >> reporter: the obama administration has walked a diplomatic tightrope with its egyptian ally. a special envoy reportedly told mubarak that the the u.s. sees this as an end. >> earlier, the u.s. state department ordered nonessential u.s. department to get out of egypt.
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pressure to reform is mounting on other arab states, fearful the protests and violence could spread. the king of jordan and the palestinian authority announced they'll soon hold elections that have been delayed for years. in washington, joel brown, wjz eyewitness news. >> and we're following some breaking news on this very situation. president mubarak is making a statement right now, saying that he will not seek re- election. much more on this breaking news coming up on wjz at 5:00 and 6:00. and make sure you watch the cbs evening news with katie couric tonight. katie will lead cbs news coverage live from egypt, right here on wjz, tonight at 7:00. they have been called intrusive and inappropriate. and they've even prompted a lawsuit. vic carter is in the newsroom now with news of a new airport scanner being tested by the tsa. vic? >> the new system scans the body more moderately.
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many complained about the intimacy of the pictures that it gives screeners. the software lets passengers see what the security screeners see. the new scanners will also protect a nongender-specific image. >> they will be coming to reagan national airport and hartsfield atlanta airport next. friends and family of brandon carroll will mark what would have been his 21st birthday. carroll, of waldorf, was killed april 13th, during an argument in an off-campus apartment. the gunman, tyrone hall, is serving a five-year sentence. carroll's family is asking everyone to remember him by performing an act of kindness for a stranger and by lighting a candle for him. today, a judge denied bail to reliever alfredo simon. the 29-year-old is jailed on involuntary manslaughter, after a fatal shooting incident on new year's eve.
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simon could be in jail for a year while the shooting is investigated. >> cameras and crashes. can taking your picture, if you run a red light, really save lives? weijia jiang is live with results from a government study. weijia? >> red-light cameras have long been the topic of controversy. but the studies find they are working. it shows the number of fatal crashes is reduced by 25%. but the insurance institute for highway safety says the study also finds a drop in fatal crashes at all traffic lights, not just the ones with red- light cameras. the numbers translate to 159 lives saved over a five-year period. >> the study shows red-light traffic deaths were down 14% in baltimore between 2004 and 2008. time to check in on our roads. here's kristy breslin at wjz traffic control. >> hi, mary. hi, everyone. looks like right now, the main problem is the accidents. we have a crash to watch out
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for at cromwell bridge road. also slow traffic as you make your approach to providence. over in the northbound 95. another one to watch out for at riverside parkway. as far as southbound goes, minor delays as you make your way in that northeast corner. in the towson area, a crash to watch out for. and several to watch out for in baltimore city. hillen road, near round hill, east monument, at constitution. east lombard at caroline. taking a look at overall drive times, on the inner loop from 795 to 53. 8 minutes to get through. let's take a live look. you can see no problems to report in that direction. here's a look, as you can see, 83 north of 695, everything seems to be moving at full speed both ways. this traffic report is brought to you by the cochran firm. if you or someone you know has suffered a personal injury, call 1-800-the firm. or go online for your free consultation. the super bowl is just days
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away. and the nfl holds its annual media day. all of the players from both camps are fielding questions ahead of the big game. kendis gibson reports for wjz from texas. >> texas was hoping to make the packers packers and steelers feel at home super bowl week. but not this way. conditions were icy outside the arlington, texas stadium, where the two teams gathered. >> i didn't know it snowed in dallas. >> reporter: inside the climate- controlled cowboy stadium, the temperature was a balmy 72 degrees. each tuesday before super bowl is media day, where the big- named players and their coaches meet their supervisor. >> it's a mob scene with more than 1,000 reporters and camera crews. but not everyone here is in the spotlight. while his teammates were busy doing interviews, with foreign journalists, guys in costumes and entertainment shows, green green bay packers chris
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campbell. >> last time i just got hit in the face with one. >> anybody want number 69? 69? >> reporter: even when we tried to help, nobody seemed interest. campbell played it cool, as they hung on aaron's every word. >> aaron, he needs this attention. so many years of being behind brett favre. >> reporter: but finally, one reporter noticed. >> it worked great. >> reporter: this is the last fun the teams will have before the serious business of preparing for sunday's game. >> reporter: kendis gibson, wjz eyewitness news. >> these teams combined have won nine super bowls. six for the steelers. three for green bay. >> i'll be rooting for that guy, 69. that was cute. still ahead on eyewitness news at 4:00. finally, some good news about video gaming. i know lots of kids are off of school today. and they're doing some of this. find out in healthwatch, who benefits the most and how. bullying at its worst. where it's happening. and the surprising thing the victim is saying.
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breaking with dad. former president george w. bush's daughter takes a very public stand on a very controversial topic. we're getting a break in the weather. but another storm is bringing ice on the way. stick around for bern's updated forecast.
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another big day on wall street. the dow soars above the 12,000 mark again. and this time, it stays there, following the closing bell. dow was up at 12,040. s&p up -- 21. let's go to new york, where alexis christoforous has tonight's cbs money watch update. this year, general motors and chrysler said sales rose
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23% in january. ford had a smaller gain of 9%. in another good sign, automakers sold more cars and trucks to individuals, rather than fleet buyers, such as rental companies. that's much more profitable for the automakers and shows that consumers are returning to show rooms. manufacturing sent stocks to 2 1/2-year highs. pfizer, ups, and daniels all beat earnings forecast. and firing on all cylinders. expanding at the fastest pace in seven years. manufacturers reported a sharp jump in new orders last month. and they hired more workers to keep up with demand. fewer americans own their homes. census numbers show 56 1/2% of americans owned their own homes last november. that is the lowest since 1958. also shows 11% of homes are currently unoccupied. you can now add facebook to
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your flight for free. seven airlines, including american, delta and united are making flights available through faits book -- facebook for free. but if you want to surf the internet, you'll have to pay $5 to $13. that's your cbs money watch. in new york, i'm alexis christoforous. and breaking news from egypt, where president mubarak has just announced he will not run for re-election. katie couric just filed this report from egypt. >> reporter: you know, he did take a surprisingly confrontational stance towards the young people who were really behind this uprising that has occurred here in egypt in the past seven days. a million people protested throughout the country today. and some 250,000 gathered at the aptly-named liberation square. i went and spoke with many of those people tonight that were families, young people, old people, traditional people, secular people.
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and i tell you, harry, the common theme was, mubarak must go. the common theme was, was this announcement that he had never really planned to run for re- election, election set for this september, and the fact that he's going to take a look at the constitution, clamp down on corruption and work hard, take a hard line about censureship. are all of these members a day late and a dollar short. there have been a lot of behind- the-scenes diplomacy going on. they dispatched ambassador to egypt, frank wis ner to meet with mubarak. they have all been working feverishly behind the scenes. and harry, the question is, for all of these people, who it's been a slow burn of anger and resentment that was really ignited this week. and will this announcement that he won't run for re-election, i understand the elections may be moved up. as far as we know, they're still going to be held in september. there were conversations about moving them up to may.
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but apparently mubarak has not agreed to that, unlessly said -- unless he said that during the course of our conversation. but will these steps be enough for the people on the streets who are demanding real change? because one woman, harry, said, i don't care if we're here for a day, a week, or months, we want mubarak gone. and if that's the case, it may be a long eight months ahead. >> and that was a special report from katie couric in egypt. make sure to watch the cbs evening news with couric tonight. katie will lead cbs news coverage, live from egypt starting at 7:00. coming up on wjz's eyewitness news at 4:00. safety concerns. a new study on four loko. and drinks like it. what scientists found will shock you. >> could we see more icing overnight? the first warning weather team updating the forecast next. wjz 13 is always on. for the top stories on instant updates and first warning weather all the time,
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click ,,,,,,,,,,,, mary! hey!
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wow, you look great! thanks! it's this new wish yourself thin program. i just wish it and it happens. it's probably those fiber one bars you're eating. i know they help me stick to my diet. the bars are 90 calories and the fiber helps you feel full.
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90 calories and high fiber. so that's why this diet thing is working. but it's weird because my wish for lorenzo came true. [ male announcer ] fiber one 90 calorie bars.
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it is sort of the calm before -- round 2 of this storm. whatever it will bring us. >> it's a little nerve-racking, bernadette. >> it is. and we can't stress enough how border line this event is. because we're only talking this stretch of a degree or two. and it can change from just a wet roadway to completely icy roadway. because there's this really big slug of moisture coming with this next round of moisture here. let's get into it. we'll show you from this morning. this is what we're dealing with. and this is the light icing that we saw during the morning hours. temperatures were below freezing. but there wasn't a lot of moisture. that has all gotten out of here. temperature-wise, we've gotten above freezing. but this is what we mean. this is so border line. 33 is where we sit in baltimore. south and east of the city. we'll take you in a little closer and show you it's just 32 in westminster. mainly north and west of the city that we're most concerned with this event. starting at 9:00 tonight. we have -- now, this is a
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freezing rain advisory that goes into effect for all of the pink counties. the ice storm warning is off to the east. and this is a winter storm warning. so again, you can see how border line this event is. in this area, probably a mix of freezing rain and rain. it's north and west of the cities in here that were going to see the biggest threat. we've got this graphic here to show you that our biggest threat, where we expect some accumulation possibly. anyway from a tenth to a quarter inch of ice is in this zone right in here. and the farther north you go, the more we could see out of that. now, we're going to switch back over to you. and show you, this is why we're also concerned. take a look at this massive storm. this is what is down to the south right now. there are tornado watches in effect. there is a blizzard going on in kansas city and oklahoma city. that is all moving off to the northeast and in between the two is a very fine line. but that's where there is some icing concerns. and that's what's going to move our way. so here's the center of the storm. it starts starts to move in our direction. that's when we're going to see that possible icing threat. later tonight, through the early morning hours.
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then tomorrow afternoon, we really warm up. we get into the 40s for our highs. anything less would change into rain. then thursday, when everything is gone, the cold air comes in the. a lotting goes on in the forecast here. on the water, winds pick up. small craft advisory will go into effect. before we get there, tonight, freezing rain north and west of the city. possible accumulating. tomorrow, all of that comes to an end. we warm up in the afternoon. 49 for our highs. so we really are going to warm it up. then we'll help with the melting snow that is out there and any ice that does fall out there. this is such a fine line. >> right. >> we're talking 32 to 31 degrees. and it can really change things. make sure you pay attention and check in in the mornings to see what the latest is. >> and like this morning. it can change from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. >> from ice today to 79 tomorrow. wild. tomorrow's commute could be
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icy. so make sure you watch don and marty. they're starting early again, at 4:30, right here on wjz. we're bringing the latest traffic and weather conditions as well as any delays or closings. don't miss tonight's cbs primetime lineup. it's followed by the goodwife, followed by eyewitness news at 11:00. and breaking news from egypt. where minutes ago, president mubarak spoke. i'm alex demetrick. coming up, are maryland's roads driving you to the repair shop? that story as eyewitness news continues. dangerous driving. the second batch of bad weather heads towards maryland. and it's creating mayhem in the midwest. eyewitness news at 4:00 continues with denise and vic right after this. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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it is 4:29. 32 degrees and cloudy. hello, everyone.
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thanks for staying staying with eyewitness news. i'm vic carter. >> and i'm denise koch. >> wicked weather makes for more treacherous conditions in maryland. it was necessary in all steps and sidewalks today, after last night's sleet and freezing rain storm. outside right now, if anything is falling, it is rain. but that's going to change again. wjz is live with first warning weather coverage. meteorologist bernadette woods and bob turk are looking at our next storm. >> yeah, this morning, very light precipitation. but temperatures in the upper 20s and low 30s, below freezing. and just a tiny bit of drizzle and freezing rain caused icy conditions in some areas. right now, very quiet. but boy, take a look at what is coming later on. just a whole bunch of moisture, snow to the north. rain, thunderstorms to the south. we'll be probably just enough cold temperatures in our region to see some rain and yes, freezing rain as well. look at the temperature. it's 33 right now. just north of the beltway, we're talking temperatures at the 32-degree mark.
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west of us, it's warmer. south of us, it's warmer as well. there's a pocket in there, where we can see some freezing rain coming in later tonight. and because of that, well, bernadette has a little more on that. bernadette? >> that's right. we have a freezing rain advisory that goes into effect, starting 9:00 tonight for all of these pink-shaded counties, right in here and it will continue through 7:00 a.m. tomorrow. right on 95, we change over to rain. and it's more northwest of the city, that we're really concerned that this could start to accumulate. this is how we'll take you through this event here. starting through the overnight hours, we're going to see mainly rain through south of the city. it's north and west of the city that this is going to change over to ice. and an icy accumulation to a tenth to a quarter inch is possible. we're really going to highlight that zone and show you, that it's that interior map area. that's again, during the overnight to early morning hours. tomorrow afternoon, we warm up. upper 40s for our highs.
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but we have to get through this first. we'll have more coming up. denise? >> well, when winter weather hits -- >> when winter weather hits, as vic was saying, wjz 13 is always on. tune in tomorrow morning, with don and marty for the storms, the roads and any closings or delays. a major development in the crisis in egypt. president hosni mubarak says he will not run for office again. kai is in the newsroom with details of his speech. >> reporter: that's right, vic. mubarak made that announcement a short time ago, during a nationally-televised address. he pledged to work for a smooth transfer of power in the coming months. earlier, president obama urged hosni mubarak not to seek a second term. millions protested his reign. his move today is seen as a way to quell the unrest, which has plagued egypt in the past week. >> mubarak did indicate he has no plans plans to flee from egypt, saying he intends to die
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in the country. one of former president busha twin daughters says she supports -- bush's twin daughters says she supports gay marriage. barbara, seen on the right, with the brown hair. said she is calling herself a new yorker for equality. and says people should be able to marry the person they love. the former president opposed gay marriage and proposed amendments to outlaw it. a new video shows that girls who play with their parents behave better, have stronger mental health and feel more connected to their families. they found that the most popular video games among girls include mario cart, wii sport and rock band. by now, you probably heard about deadly caffeine and alcohol-laced beverages, such as four loko. but how dangerous are the
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energy drinks that spawned them? >> four loko has been banned in many states, including maryland. but now, a number of scientists are worried about a number of highly caffeinated nonalcoholic beverages, like red bull and monster. researcher says that certain people can be at risk for dangerous and even life- threatening effects on blood pressure and brain function. so far, four documented cases of caffeine-associated deaths have been reported as well as five separate cases of seizures, associated with the consumption of the energy drinks. denise? >> the scientists also found that manufacturers have labeled the drinks as dietary supplements, which has federal regulations behind sodas and juices. a boy not only is beaten up. but the bully taped the entire attack. this is the vicious school yard hazing. >> reporter: dragged through the snow. kicked, beaten. the 13-year-old who spoke with his mother's permission and our promise to conceal his identity, says he pleaded with
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his alleged attackers. seven fellow students at upper darby high school, to please release him. >> first, they tackled me. then started taunting me. and a few of them started kicking me. and one of them came up with the idea, let's put him in the tree. >> reporter: soon, the video, shot by one of his suspects on his cell phone, shows the attack growing even more vicious. the victim shoved up into a tree. >> she was saying all type of things. cussing at me. somehow talking about my mom while they were beating me up. >> as he screams for help, the 13-year-old is now hanged on a fence. suspended by his clothing. yet threw out the entire attack. in the middle of an apartment complex, at 3:00 on a weekday afternoon, not a single person dialed 911. >> no one has called 911. and this young man is heard screaming for help. >> no reason. no reason. they just do it because they feel like doing it. >> reporter: the victim's mother says an unidentified
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good samaritan finally spotted her son and she brought him home in her car. she wants justice for the suspects. but the victim, who intends someday to be a marine and an architect, told me he understands why bullies do what they do. >> they have a problem inside of them. and they get it out with anger towards others. >> the teenager told police he had been bullied 100 times in the last few months. space shuttle discovery is back on the launch pad, following repairs for fist its -- for its final voyage. it was supposed to make its last flight to the international space station in november. but cracks in the fuel tank caused some setback. the final voyage is now set for february 24th. winter, of course, doesn't make driving any easier. but a study says it is never easy in maryland. alex demetrick reports, results
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are also taking a big chunk out of drivers' wallets. >> how you feel about maryland roads probably depends on your route. >> i think they're fantastic. >> poor conditions. when something is wrong, it takes probably months and almost years before it gets fixed. >> reporter: and that rocky opinion is mirrored in a study released by trip, a transportation research group, sponsored by insurance companies, engineers, and labor unions. >> here in baltimore, the average driver loses more than $2200 each year as a result of driving on roads that are deteriorated, congested and not as safe as they can be. >> reporter: that out-of-pocket costs come from the wear and tear roughroads take on cars. >> it's that acceptable? i mean, it is not. >> reporter: triple a is backing the study's findings, which claims 26% of maryland roads are in poor condition. and 18% more are in mediocre.
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it also finds that 7% are structurally deficient. and 19% are functionally obsolete. >> reporter: but yearly bridge inspections have not been found unsafe to drive on. still, some are being replaced. but a budget deficit has placed many projects on hold. >> where to find the money. triple a believes the gas tax will have to be raised, sooner or later am. >> if motorists look at the big picture, they will accept this. >> reporter: maybe, but a tax hike could generate more noise than a worn road. alex demetrick, wjz eyewitness news. >> reporter: triple a plans to use the study to lobby state legislators to keep money in the state's transportation trust fund from being spent on nontransportation projects. we'll see if the road conditions are checked by traffic now. so far, we have been lucky. a couple of delays out there. but nothing too significant. over on the north side inner loop, brake lights to watch out
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for as you make your way to providence road. average speed in that direction, about 45 miles an hour. over on the southwest side of the inner loop, we have a disabled vehicle. that's starting to tie things up. and over on northbound 95, about a 15-minute drive there. that's from 895 to the beltway. as far as city accidents go, we have quite a few. east madison at monford. hillen road at round hill. and also harford road at st. road drive. 83 to 95. 52 miles an hour average. and 11 minutes to get through. let's now take a live look. you can see things moving decently there. and let's take another look here. you can see 83 north of 695. monster jam's world famous trucks. they're coming to the first mariner arena, january 25th through february 7th. check them out. it's gray.
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it's cold outside. but it's not too early to start thinking about the preakness. infield tickets. went on sale for today. they now cost $40. but they will get more expensive as we get closer to the race. the second leg of the triple crown will be run through may 21st. we put a link to buy tickets. click on links and numbers on the left-hand side of the home page. >> and think about the warmth that will be around. >> sunshine, green grass. straight ahead on eyewitness news at 4:00. troubling trend. one-third of americans have trouble affording groceries. how some managed to make ends meet. tracking down on the critters. what the government is doing. and more coming. i don't think any pill is going to be able to stop it. bob's forecast is coming up. ,,,
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australia is preparing for another huge tropical storm. tropical storm yazi is bearing down on north queens island. many are fleeing from whaft deadliest. the category 4 cyclone is expected to across through sometime wednesday. a man in virginia beach dies, following an industrial accident. he gat caught in an asphalt- mixing machine that was 30 feet above the ground. he had been working for the asphalt company for the past 10 years. new details are emerging about a california man accused of plotting and attacking a michigan man at a mosque am. >> we're now learning that roger stockholm was released from a medical center on the condition that he refrain from drinking alcohol and continue his psychiatric treatments.
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stockholm was arrested near an islammic center. police say he was wearing a ski mask and held 5 works in his car that are illegal in michigan. the warden who released him said he had recovered enough from his mental illness and that he wouldn't pose a danger to the public. the bar manager said stockholm was drinking the day he was arrested. a busy new jersey highway. it happened on interstate 80, eastbound express lanes. authorities say the single- engine plane owned by the u.s. justice department had a fuel- line malfunction and was forced to make an emergency landing. two people were on board. no one was injured. the federal government is trying to wage war on a pesky problem, bed bugs. as michael herzenberg reports, new york is a big focus. >> reporter: beyond pest control in new york stay city says it gets 25 calls a day
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about bed bugs. alex rogue says he has never seen so many of the blood- sucking insects. >> people are hysterically crying, nervous. it's insane. >> reporter: with the bed bug epidemic spreading across the nation, they are looking for help. the federal bed bug working group is holding to examine how they are dealing with the infestation. especially now that so many bugs have built up a resistance to pesticides. >> there are serious situations in cincinnati and columbus. >> reporter: new york city has the worst bed bug problem in the country. they're turning up anywhere from fancy hotels to retail stores, even movie theaters. >> they're disgusting. >> scabies. >> reporter: bed bugs are the size of apple seeds. they get into mattresses and small crevices. and even the experts admit, they're difficult to eradicate. >> just because they're bed bugs, doesn't mean they live in
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beds. they live in nightstands, tvs, they're everywhere. >> reporter: the goal is to get them before they take over. >> the meeting in d.c. is the second nation wide summit on battling bed bugs. according to a recent survey, one-third of americans say they have trouble affording their groceries. what can you do if you're strapped for cash. a growing list is popping up around the country. they may not have a fancy bakery or deli counter. but discount stores can save customers up to 40%. the stores are able to keep prices low by selling private- labeled brands. the nation's largest tax preparation company, h&r block says it will improve services for the deaf. they agreed to a nationwide service filed by a deaf person, under the americans with disabilities act. under the agreement, they say they will provide auxiliary aid and sign language interp retters to ensure those who are
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deaf and hard of hearing have equal access to their services. mark steines has more. >> comes up here. oscar hosts james franco and anne hathaway, headline "vanity fair"'s issue. >> 14 of the hottest young actors in the world. jake, ryan, reese. oscar host, ann and james. oh, to be a fly on that wall. >> ryan had just broken up with scarlett johansson. so he was sort of talking about. that he was very open. anne hathaway was talking about hosting the oscars. it was a great atmosphere on set. we were serving drinks at the bar. >> reporter: rashida jones tends to a lion cub. afterwards offering a drink to andrew garfield. >> for the cover, they're really, really thrilled to be there. >> reporter: inside "vanity fair"'s hollywood issue,
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hitting stands next tuesday, haley signfield, laughing their way through the shoot. also, ben affleck, now a hot hollywood director, as well as the social network creative team, annette benning and halle berry. >> she's so beautiful and oscar- nominated. >> also tonight, halle berry's custody battle to protect her daughter. and also, all new toddlers and tiaras. >> that just about covers it all, i think. that will be at 7:30 here on wjz. >> without a two-headed turtle, it's not a show. an online poll has drawn close to 8,000 votes since it was posted a week ago. visitors can volt on the type of surface to use on the popular promenade when it is renovated in the fall. so far, a wood surface, with a stamped, concrete lane, has
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garnered the most votes. online voting will reign through february 28th. >> nice improvement. and tomorrow is groundhog day. we will relive the icy morning we had. that's the big question. >> stick around. bob's updated forecast is ahead. i love to eat. i love hanging out with my friends. i have a great fit with my dentures. i love kiwis. i've always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. super poligrip free -- it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. super poligrip free made even the kiwi an enjoyable experience.
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save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance?really was abe lincoln honest? mary: does this dress make my backside look big? abe: perhaps... save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance?really host: is having a snowball fight with pitching great randy johnson a bad idea?
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all right. taking a live look outside right now. things are moving pretty smooth right now. and it's good we aren't at freezing. >> it will probably change later. we will probably just see rain for a while. and north and west of the city, temperatures only hit to be exactly 32 or a little lower. maybe 31.9. and there you will see freezing rain. take a look at temperatures around the region. right now, airport just jumped back up to 34. dew point at 32. humidity, 92%. no winds at all. the barometer has actually been rising. 31.16 inches. once again, we have for our region, most of the area, a freezing rain advisory, beginning at 9:00 tonight, until 7:00 in the morning. most areas north and west of the city, take a look at this
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graphic. this is what we expect to see the heaviest threat for ice. just really north of the beltway. northern cecil, harford, baltimore, carol, frederick, washington county. that's the area tonight, where temperatures will stay just around 31, 32. could see a tenth to a quarter inch of ice. south of the area, generally just rain. maybe a little bit of ice. not a major issue. let's take a look once again. and temperatures around the region. 43 in ocean city. 34 in pax river. 37 in d.c. from the city on north and west. you can see, 32, 32. even out in oakland. 43 degrees. a little warmer up there in the high mount mountains. getting some warm air coming in. right now, winds are very, very light. not going to be a major factor until the storm that will be affecting us late tonight, into tomorrow, passes the region. and that's when the winds will shift. it's a very well-formed area of pressure. heavy snow behind it.
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look at this thing, spinning up over texas. portions of oklahoma. blizzard conditions out there. ahead of it, somewhat milder air. down here in the 50s. we're still stuck in the 30s. for a while, late tonight, into tomorrow. that's why we think we'll see some freezing rain. now, once it storm passes, things will dry out quickly. colder temperatures coming in behind it for late wednesday and thursday. but tomorrow afternoon, we may get into the mid or upper 40s. with winds gusting to the west. bay temp around 43. tonight, later tonight, look for freezing rain. and mostly rain, south and east. 32, 34. tomorrow, any precip ending early. breezy and warmer. 49 degrees by this time tomorrow afternoon. you'll say what is going on. then it's going to get cold again tomorrow night. >> okay. >> just sowe can get use -- so we can get used to 49. >> thank you. watch don and marty at 4:30 tomorrow morning, with the latest on the storm and any weather-related closings and
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delays. still to come on eyewitness news tonight. >> much of maryland woke up to a thin coating. ice, on just about everything. and we aren't out of the woods just yet. i'm derek valcourt. coming up on eyewitness news. what you need to know to be ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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coming up next at 5:00. case of weather deja vu. don't put the salt away just yet. we're tracking another system that is moving into maryland. first warning weather is tracking when the roads could get slick again. maryland students flee egypt, as protests grow. >> she said, dad, i'm not going to make it. and he said, oh, you have a ticket. and you run. >> reporter: i'm mike hellgren with her journey home to howard
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county. >> and love him or hate -- them or hate them, the new proof that the red-light cameras are doing their job. >> check in for more on these stories and all the daya breaking news. >> eyewitness news at 5:00 starts now. early morning ice. a slick start toidate and mow, we could be in more more. >> hi, everybody. i'm mary bubala. >> again, all it took was a little ice this morning to create a big mess on the roads. many school systems close because of the wintry weather. now, round 1 is done. but we're waiting for round 2 to arrive


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